Reliable Energy is a proud service provider for the Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESAP), sponsored by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and administered by California’s local Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) (Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Pacific Gas and Electric.)
The Energy Savings Assistance Program is dedicated to helps income-qualified households conserve energy. We help reduce their gas and electricity costs by installing energy-efficient appliances and equipment as well as offer no-cost home improvements. Available services may include:
Washer Replacements
LED light bulbs (LED's)
Porch light fixtures
Pool pump replacement
Smart power surge protector
Weatherization services
Evaporative/Swamp Coolers (May not be available in all service areas. Restrictions Apply.)
Room Air Conditioners (May not be available in all service areas. Restrictions Apply.)
Central Air Conditioners (May not be available in all service areas. Restrictions Apply.)
Attic Insulation
Door weather-stripping
Water Heater Pipe Insulation
Minor home repairs to exterior doors and/or windows
Low flow shower heads and faucet aerators
Energy Education
Water heater blankets
Evaporative cooler covers and A/C covers
Furnace and Water Heater Repair or Replacement (owner-occupied only. Restrictions Apply.)
To Learn more about these programs and find out if you qualify please give us a call to(562) 984-5511
Or fill out this form
to sign up for the Energy Saving & Assistance Program